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Step 12- Other Preps

After all 11 other steps, what else could there be?
The things we tend to forget about are usually the most mundane and least likely to be done.  When we prepare we need to remember to prepare for the things which are most likely to happen.  Many of you may think, Dude I got this whole prepping thing down.
Have any other preps I might have forgotten?
I got all my stuff ready to go
  • food- check
  • water- ditto
  • guns- lots
  • what else is there?

Man, have I got a prep for you and are you gonna be surprised.

Lets have a little story first.  As you were prepping you were thinking man I missed getting a little extra gasoline for the generator.  So you went down to the gas station and while you were waiting at the light a crazy drunk person ran the light and broad sided you.  Now you are DEAD.  The police come to your house to tell your spouse what happened.  Then she/he realizes you have no life insurance.  How are we going to pay the mortgage? We have money in savings but not enough to pay the house off.  Man I sure wished I had taken out a life insurance policy.  BAM!!  Life smacks you in the face.
Other Preps-Insurance
  • Life insurance Since you never know when your time might come.  You have a responsibility to take care of those left behind.
  • Disability insurance – Same as life insurance except if you are not dead.
  • Health insurance-  Because Life throws you a curve.
You would not think about not having car insurance.  Don’t think about not having the other insurances either
Prepping 101
Making Life’s Road A Little Smoother