Tag Archives: emergency

Getting Started – Changing from a Grasshopper to an Ant

Many ask the question, “How do I get started?”  Prepping 101 is about giving you ideas to get started.

First thing you will need to do is determine where you are in your life before you start prepping. Have you spent your whole life not prepping?  That’s ok you are the normal average American.  How many years have you spent being unprepared?  Be grateful you have awakened yourself.  It took you many years of being unprepared, it will take years to become prepared.  This is now a lifestyle change, not buying more stuff to put in your basement just in case.

You now have to decide where you are.  Start with determining how much food do you have in your home.  List how many meals you have in your home.  Write it down on a piece of paper.  If you want 30 days worth of food you need to know how many days you have to start with.

Start storing food.  Start copy canning.  When you go to the store to buy corn, buy two cans instead of one.  Put the second one in storage.  Do this until you have 30 days worth of food or whatever amount of food you want in your home.

Start making a documentation book.  One in each car, 0ne in the house

  • List of all the people you may want to get a hold of and all the numbers and addresses for them
  • List of services, these are people you call in case of emergency
    • Tree trimming
    • Plumbing
    • Electrical
    • HVAC
    • Roofing
    • Masonry
    • Carpentry
    • Drywall
  • 3 places you would go and 3 routes to get to each place.  All of the places will be far apart.  Make sure you put the names and phone #’s of each place.  If you choose hotels in an area pick 3-4 hotels in each area.  Print out each place from Google Maps with the 3 different ways to get there.  Put it in your book.

Organize your pantry.  You may realize you have more food than you thought.  Now with your pantry organized it will make your copy canning easier.

If you really feel overwhelmed, go to the store and buy some beans, rice, pasta and sauce.  This will get you immediate sense of relief.  You can do this for less than $50.

Get out of debt.  As you know this is something we preach often around here.  Debt makes you a slave to the lender.  I think getting out of debt is so important you may put some of your preps on hold until you get out of debt.  You could easily store 30-60 days worth of food and cash and then all you do is put your money into getting out of debt.  Making a budget is the easiest way to cut money out.  Make a list of your debts in order from smallest to largest.  Start with the smallest and apply as much money as possible until it is paid off.  Take the payment from the last bill and apply it to the next until they are paid off.

Start cutting expenses.  You can always add them back later if you feel they are needed again.  Cut, cut, cut until you can cut no more and then live like this for 3 months and if you want to add something back, do so.

Understand the commonality of disaster and use it to make your preps easier.  What is the most likely thing to happen?  A personal disaster is the most common.  What will having food mean if you lose your job?  What will having some cash mean if you get sick?  What will life insurance mean if you spouse dies?  If you start planning for the most common things you will be 90%. prepared.  We do not plan for specific threats, we plan for the general disaster to happen.

Realize and OWN your plan. No one will have the same plan as you.  If you have your own plan you will not be able to blame someone else for the failure of their plan.  You will also be the one to reap the success of the plan YOU implemented.

Be prepared to protect yourself.  This means having something both lethal and non lethal.  Get training on how to protect yourself and your family.  You may have to start with pepper spray and some self-defense training.  Becoming armed is an increase in responsibility.  Being armed means you are going to avoid conflict at a greater cost.  When you bring a gun to a fight it automatically becomes a gun fight.  Are you ready for this?

Last is understanding your success depends on you.  The ownership of your goals, plans and objectives is in your hands.  I can help make suggestions but ultimately it depends on you.

Go forward with confidence knowing the future is brighter today than yesterday.  The steps you take today are steps moving you closer to your goal of personal freedom and liberty.

Prepping 101

Making Life’s Road a Little Smoother

Disaster Probability and Commonality

There are many reasons we prepare. The concept of probability and commonality among disasters will help us in our preparedness planning.  We are only human and as such only able to prepare to our given ability both financially and intellectually.

What is Disaster Probability?

First off lets define a disaster.  It is an event which affects you directly.  It may be a job loss,  loss of a loved one, electrical disruption, monetary disruption.  These are all “disasters”.  Maybe not in the classical apocalyptic way, but disasters to you none the less.

So disaster probability is the likelihood a disaster will take place in your life.  The higher the probability the more likely it will happen.  EVERYONE will suffer from a disaster in their life at one time.

They can be the following.

  • Loss of a loved one
  • Loss of a job
  • Loss of income
  • Loss electricity
  • Loss of water

As you can see there are many “disasters” in our life.  The next thing we think about is the commonality of the disaster.  Or how likely is it to occur?

Disaster Commonality is how often do these things occur.  Things like loosing a loved one will occur for everyone at some point.  So this disaster is very common.  Not everyone will have a wide scale electrical blackout.  So this is less common.

As we go down the probability scale and the less common disasters the impact usually goes up.  When you have a wide scale electrical blackout it affects more people than you loosing your job.  This commonality can also be known as impact scale.

So how do we plan for disaster probabilities and commonalities?

By analyzing what the highest probablity is, we can decide where we should focus. We will focus on the highest probability disasters first.

  • Store food- When you lose a job or income you still have bills to pay.  Having enough food in storage will reduce some of the stress of having to provide for your family.  I recommend trying to have 90 days.  Start with 2 weeks and work your way up.
  • Eliminate debt-  The fewer payments you have to make the easier it will be to ride the storm.  This also means trying to pay your house off early as part of your preparedness plan.  If you lose your job and you have no food payments and no other monthly payments, imagine your stress level.
  • Have savings-  This goes along with the above two.  Having enough money to make life’s road a little smoother is something we should be doing.  Having 90 days worth of food and 90 days worth of savings will enable you to make good decisions based not upon fear.
  • Keep cash on hand-  Having some money available for when there are electrical outages is what we are talking about.  2 weeks to 30 days worth should do it.  This will enable you to maintain commerce.
  • Have a garden-  The ability to grow food will let you not worry about any sort of distribution problems.
  • Alternative Energy-  Have alternative lighting and heat. This can be a generator or solar power or solar heat.  Have something so you are not as dependent on one source for your needs.
  • Bug out plans-  If you need to leave, do you have a plan?  Make one and rehearse it with your family.  Knowing what to do when you can’t stay home is invaluable.

By analyzing which are the most probable disasters you can prepare more effectively.   We just do not want to survive, we want to thrive.  Thriving is planning for it.  We want to be comfortable.  Imaging how much easier it would be if your spouse dies and you have no debt and 90 days worth of money so you did not have to worry about anything but grieving.  This is thriving.

We prepare in general to be able to adapt, succeed and overcome the disaster at hand with the resources we have available even though there are resources we do not.  This is why knowledge and skill sets are so important.

Tenet 5- Sanitation

In this last tenet we discuss the more unpleasant things when something goes awry.   If  something does go wrong it is worth considering what you will do with your sanitation. For those who live in the hills, sanitation is not as big a problem since we have gravity to take away our waste.  Those of you who live in more low lying or flat area do have to worry about where your waste goes since many sewer districts are on electric pumps  & the possibility exists for your waste to not flow properly.  Do you have a backup plan available?

What can you do?

  • Have a way to have extra water around to help flush.
  • Have a way to prevent backflow if there is potential.  Nobody wants sewage coming back into the house.
  • Have a sanitation bucket. Usually a five gallon bucket with lime and a trash bag and a seat.

What do you do for your emergency sanitation needs?


Prepping 101

Making Life’s Road a Little Smoother.

Water Storage

When we store food it is incumbent upon us to also store water.
You can survive about 2-3 weeks without food, but only about 2 days without water.  It is essential to life.  How much do I need?  What do I put it in?
How much do you need?
My recommendation is 2-3 gallons per person per day.  More if you have room and can afford it.  Those around you may not have the ability to do so, so let’s remember them.  I highly recommend as you are preparing your water storage you think about longer term water purification.  If you are building your 3 month supply of food and are doing the same for water you would have 1350 gallons of water on hand (3 gal x 5 people x 90 days=1350 gal).  That is 24 55 gallon drums! WOW!  Do you have that much room?  I know I don’t.  Actually I do but it is not cost feasible or wife feasible to have that many drums.  So think about the ways you can bring water into your home as you need it.
What do I put it in?
Commercially bottled water in PETE (or PET) plastic containers may be bought. Follow the container’s “best if used by” dates as a rotation guideline. Avoid plastic containers that are not PETE plastic. I recommend having both commercial and self package.  The commercial bought is much more portable.  Self packaged in larger containers will be much cheaper.
If you choose to package water yourself, consider the following guidelines:

  • Use only food-grade containers. Smaller containers made of PETE plastic or heavier plastic buckets or drums work well.
  • Clean, sanitize, and thoroughly rinse all containers prior to use. A sanitizing solution can be prepared by adding 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of liquid household chlorine bleach (5 to 6% sodium hypochlorite) to one quart (1 liter) of water. Only household bleach without thickeners, scents, or additives should be used.
  • Do not use plastic milk jugs, because they do not seal well and tend to become brittle over time.
  • Do not use containers previously used to store non-food products.
I recommend buying some 55 gallon drums and some 5 gallon containers.  If you have to leave your house 5 gallon containers are more portable. If using a 55 gallon drum consider how you might extract the water.  You will need a hand pump or the ability to put the drum on its side or siphon water out.
Water Pretreatment

Water from a chlorinated municipal water supply does not need further treatment when stored in clean, food-grade containers.

Non-chlorinated water should be treated with bleach. Add 1/8 of a teaspoon (8 drops) of liquid household chlorine bleach (5 to 6% sodium hypochlorite) for every gallon (4 liters) of water. Only household bleach without thickeners, scents, or additives should be used.

  • Containers should be emptied and refilled regularly.
  • Store water only where potential leakage would not damage your home or apartment.
  • Protect stored water from light and heat. Some containers may also require protection from freezing.
  • The taste of stored water can be improved by pouring it back and forth between two containers before use.
  • If storing water on concrete put a barrier (i.e. a piece of plywood) or elevate the containers off the floor.
Additional resources
Water Purification Guidelines
If your water supply is not known to be safe or has become polluted, it should be purified before use. Water purification is generally a two-step process.
Step 1: Clarify
Cloudy or dirty water must first be made clear. It may be passed through filter paper, fine cloth, or other filter. It may be allowed to settle and the clear water on top carefully drawn. Filtered or clear settled water should always be disinfected before use.
Step 2: Disinfect
Boiling Method-Bringing water to a rolling boil for 3 to 5 minutes will kill most water-borne microorganisms. However, prolonged boiling of small quantities of water may concentrate toxic contaminants if present.
Bleach Method-Adding 1/8 of a teaspoon (8 drops) of fresh liquid household chlorine bleach (5 to 6% sodium hypochlorite) to every gallon (4 liters) of water will kill most microorganisms. Only household bleach without thickeners, scents, or additives should be used. The use of bleach does not address toxic contamination.
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Web site provides additional information about water purification.
Commercial Water Filters
Commercial water filters can effectively filter and purify water contaminated with microorganisms, toxic chemicals, and heavy metals. Their effectiveness depends on design, condition, and proper use.
Some recommendations for water filters
I also recommend you buy a filter for your 72 hour kit.  Here is a good website to peruse your choices.  http://www.libertymountain.com/shop/index.asp?c=288

I like having a water bottle that can act as a filter and some purification tablets.

Please do not forget water. It will be equally if not more important to you if you need it.

Remember that if it doesn’t make your life better then it’s not worth it.

Prepping 101- Making life’s road a little smoother.

Documentation Package

Documentation Package-
Cost- less than $20
This is package contains important information you will need in an emergency or a simple trip to the emergency room.
You will need a three ring binder (less than $10) and a printer. You will want to put one of these in each of your cars, one in your home and any other places you may deem necessary. If money is tight then you can use a large ziploc bag.
1- Information of everyone you know. The name, address, phone #, cell phone #, etc. of EVERYONE you know. This includes but not limited to family, friends, neighbors, employees, coworkers, employers, etc.
2- Information of all services you may need in an emergency. This includes government services, government employees, tree services, plumbers, electricians, lumber yard, equipment rentals, etc.
Here is a list of what you may potentially put in your packet.
Financial Documents

1. copies of the fronts and backs of debit/credit cards
2. copies of house and car titles
3. copy of your will or living trust
4. names, addresses and phone numbers of all banks
5. other important documents related to employment and/or a family business
6. copies of your insurance policies (life, health, auto, homeowners, etc.)
Personal Documents

1. names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of relatives and close friends, neighbors, employers, employee, work associates, EVERYONE you can think of.

2. copies of:

* marriage license
* birth certificates

* drivers licenses
* CCW permits
* pet vaccine records
* passports
* Social Security cards

3. a list of firearm serial numbers
4. legal documents pertaining to child custody or adoption
5. recent photos of each family member and each pet
military documents
Medical Documents

copy of health insurance cards
a list of blood types for each family member
3. names, addresses and phone numbers of all doctors
4. medical histories of each family member
5. immunization records
6. a list of current prescriptions, dosage, and pharmacy contact information
1. Lumber yard
2. Tree service
3. Plumber
4. Electrician
5. Roofer
3- Pick three(3) locations you would go if you had to leave your home or could not return to your home. This could be your parents place, in-laws, secret hideaway, motel. Print out on Google maps three different ways to get to each of the three places. Also mark 3 rendezvous places along the way. At those 3 rendezvous places you will need to leave a marker(from your package, pre known by everyone in your family) indicating you have been there and are on your way to Location A,B or C.
4- Print out and put in your cars and home. If you are concerned with security then use a simple encryption code. Lets say your phone number is 123-456-7890, then using a +2 encryption the new number is 345-678-9012. You can use any number you want. It can be + or – any number.
This is an easy, low cost way to prepare for you future.
Until next time.