Tag Archives: fun

10 Things to do with your Family

Part of preparedness is making sure your family is together, safe and secure in case of an emergency.  If you want your family to get on board with preparedness you should make an effort to include them.  In order to be closer as a family I have a list of things you can do together as a family.  Realize these are not all about preparedness.  They are an opportunity for your family to become stronger.

  1. Art Night-  Everyone could draw or paint a picture of something they want to accomplish this year.  Maybe it is a vacation place, or a bedroom color to be painted.  Or it could be what your garden will look like at the height of the season.  Use your imagination.  If your house is like mine then the kids will love getting into paint.
  2. Update the family blog.   Let the kids pick out pictures  and put subtitles on them.   Let them describe what the picture means to them.
  3. Make a family vacation jar.  It could be something simple as a mason jar or you could decorate a box with what your vacation spot looks like.  Tell the kids you are going to put all your spare change in there and the kids can spend it on whatever they want during the vacation.
  4. Have the kids make dinner with you.  This is a great way to have them learn to cook.  You could even have them help you make their favorite meal.
  5. Family game night-  Let each person pick a game and play it.  That way everyone is happy.  We love card games.
  6. Go outside-  Sometimes the best thing to do is to move beyond your interior.  Go for a hike or walk.  We love to just go outside and hang out with neighbors.
  7. Volunteer.  This is a wonderful way to show your kids how blessed they are and other people are not as well off as them.  When you serve you show your kids there are more important things than themselves.
  8. Go camping in the backyard.  Nothing like a warm summer night to sleep outside under the stars.  It is also great to have a shower and toilet nearby for the little ones.
  9. Go on a picnic
  10. Learn something new.  Have one of the kids pick a new subject to learn.  It is always good to show your kids to never stop learning.

What does your family do to become closer?

Prepping 101

Making Life’s Road a Little Smoother

Summer garden

Wanted to put up a funny picture I found on my phone of a cucumber from our garden.
